#46: Pasadena 5k at The Rose Bowl!

I can remember being so mad at my mom when she tricked me into doing my very first 5k.  I was the least athletic or physically active person that I knew.  But I can remember through that entire 3+ miles she pulled me up every hill, listened to every complaint, and encouraged me each and every time I needed to stop.  That was at least 8 years ago.  I didn't not attend another race until 5 years later!  Today, I am proud to say that I have finished my 46th race.  And even more proud to say that I finished 2 minutes better than my last race.  
These races have not only been a form of fitness for me but also a way to connect with people that I normally wouldn't and a way to give to charity.  I have done races that the registration fees that I pay go to a number of charities like research for a cure for Cancer,  AIDS awareness, support Autism, help feed the homeless, and pay for school supplies for students.  I have even been fortunate enough to be able to travel to other states (most recently Philadelphia) to run/walk in a race.  This journey has been a honor and a privilege.  I love and appreciate all of my family and friends who have gotten involved and supported this journey that I have been on.  By no means am I a pro or consider myself a runner (one day I will though :-)), but I am very proud of how I pushed myself to meet goals that I never thought I'd ever make, and am humbled every time someone says that I have inspired them.
