To Risk it All or Not?!

     Being the oldest of 3, then a mom at such a young age, and now a mother of an adult, I feel like my life is just beginning.  I am truly thankful and proud to say that I have been on my job for 17 (18 in August) years.  Truly thankful for great health and dental insurance and can’t complain about my pay.  Years from now I can retire and live quite comfortably.  And I can honestly say that my first 14 years on my job were awesome.  I used to tell people “I truly spend 8 hours of my day laughing and enjoying the people around me”. 

     But as the years has gone by, times are changing, and the company is transitioning.  I’m for the first time in a long time beginning to think am I “really” happy where I am?  It is starting to feel like I am working just to be able to pay bills and put food on the table for my family.  I’m spending my days longing and anxiously waiting for my vacations!  And school and work combined prevents me from doing the hobbies that I once loved like quilting, writing, and reading (something other than schoolwork).  

     Not too long ago my dad said one of the most profound things I’ve heard him say!  He said “I have been fortunate to have spent my life doing what I loved doing”!  How AMAZING is that!  Who does not want to be able to do that? 

     Today it occurred to me what my dream job would be.  But for the first time I am afraid of the risk of going after what I want!  Everything, that I have WANTED to ever achieve, even with the risk and fear involved, I have achieved it all!  Ignore the risk and go after what I want or stay where I am!
