Leaning Tower of Pisa

Leaning Tower of Pisa
Livorno, Italy
April 19, 2018
During my cruise to Italy I thought that the Colloseum and the Vatican would amaze me the most.  Both grand and amazing, I was most taken by the Leaning Tower of Pisa in Livorno.  And what made it more amazing was being able to climb the tower, all 200+ stairs of it.  On paper it doesn't sound like much but when climbing stairs made of slippery stone, in a tower that is leaning to one side, it is nothing like anything you've experienced before.  AMAZING!
Construction of The leaning of the Tower of Pisa began in 1173.  Due to soft ground, it had begun to lean by the time its builders got to the third story, in 1178. Shifting soil had destabilized the tower’s foundations.  The Tower of Pisa is the churches belltower. The city of Pisa was at the beginning a simple but important Italian seaport. With its growth, so did its religious buildings.
Campo dei Miracoli in Pisa
(in English: Square of Miracles)
April 20, 2018
Baptistry of Pisa

Duomo St. Mary
